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Use Case Diagram For Hostel Management System Project Report

The bestpractice of starting any project proceeds with the modelling of the various aspect of the project. The project are visualized through the diagrams like class diagram, activity diagram,use case diagram and so on. such diagrams are very useful in the sense that the actual flow and the order of the project is reflected through this diagrams. Each diagrams has its own
significance and are very important.

outline of the problem

we have a hostel named New Boys hostel. it has 3 blocks named Block-A, Block-B and Block-C with each block is 3storied thus
each blocks are identified with ground, mid and top like A-top,A-mid,A-ground, B-top,B-mid and so on............

Here now we want to make a website to manage the hostel. The website keeps the record of each students in a room. We have assumed that each room has 2 to 3 students. Admin has only previlage to add or delete the record. non admin can only view the data.
students registered in the hostel have access to the notice board facilities . students can post the notice if any materials is lost or have any information that is to be shared. Admin can delete the post if anyviolation of rules is identified.

1: Class Diagram

2: Use Case Diagrams

The use case diagram below shows that the actor User is inherited by three users and is allowed to access the particular part as depicted in the diagram. The User must login in in the system to get the right to use it. Here General User needs to register to the system first and if the User is already registered , they are identified as Admin or Registered User and are allowed the particular privilege.

In next diagram, it is shown that first the user are validated by matching their password and are allowed to view the students residing in the particular block only if they are either Admin or Registered User.

3: Activity Diagrams

Activity diagram below shows the flow from activity to Activity with the available of input in the project NB Hostel Management .It shows the overall activity diagram of the system which first checks the register user, Admin and the new user and give access to certain attributes according to their identity

The next  figure depicts the activity for message posting process. Admin and Registered_User can post the message and is displayed for both user .However In order to Delete the post, Admin can delete any post but User can delete their own post only.And to edit the post ,User who has posted the message can only edit it.

4: Sequence Diagrams

Following Diagram represents the user login process in our project . First, the user is checked whether he/she is logged in or not by authorizing with the DB server. The privileges provided in the site are different for different users such as an administrator can do updates, deletion and insertion of the students' records in the database which the others can't.

In the above diagram, we have used the 'alt' frame operator [UML 2.0] as alternative frame for mutually exclusive conditional messages.

Next diagram is the sequence diagram for the students' records insertion process in the database by the administrator. The first message fillForm(record) also called found message represents that personal info, campus related info and permanent addresses of the student are filled and then sent to the admin for insertion.

5: Collaboration Diagrams

The following collaboration diagram models the message posting process by a student or by the admin.

Next, the following collaboration diagram is for the new user insertion and information update of the students

6: State chart Diagrams

The following state chart diagram represents the states while navigating through different pages in the project's site indicating the overall features –insert, update, view messages/notices etc.

The next statechart diagram represents the states of a process while posting messages to the message board by a residential student or while  posting notices by the hostel administrator.

Conceptual Model for Database Design [ER Modelling]

The entity- relationship diagram below depicts the database design of the project:

Source: https://codeeveryword.blogspot.com/2013/05/class-diagram-use-case-diagram-activity.html

Posted by: berneiceottae0195343.blogspot.com